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You have been treated at a Sonorex Therapy Center with the Sonorex Treatment Protocol. This protocol uses the SIEMENS Sonocur extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) system and is designed to give you the optimal treatment for your particular painful condition. Recent medical studies have found that for most conditions, 75-90% of those treated will have significant relief of their pain. However, the remainder of those who undergo ESWT may not improve. Prior to treatment, it is currently impossible to accurately determine who will respond and who will not. Many will find that they are much better immediately after treatment while others may not get maximum effect until six weeks after their last treatment session. In order to maximize the possibility of successful treatment of your painful disorder, you should do the following:

  1. Complete all prescribed treatments (usually three, but in some cases as many as five). Continue with any adjunctive treatment or regular therapy (medications, physiotherapy, stretching, home exercises, orthotics, braces, etc.). Although there no specific limitations on what activities you may pursue during and after treatment, you should avoid activities that make the pain worse. The time to resumption of full activity will vary with your diagnosis, and with your speed of rehabilitation and level of conditioning.
  2. Return to your referring health care provider as scheduled or within twelve (12) weeks of your final treatment session.

ESWT is associated with minimal side effects or complications. You may notice a reddened area or superficial discoloration of the skin overlying the treated site. Some may have mild tingling or a dull ache over the site for a short time, and occasionally, there is pain sufficient to require pain-relieving measures. If pain is troublesome, you may wish to do the following:

  1. After your ESWT treatment, you should apply heat 15-20 minutes 2-3 times per day for five (5) days.
  2. Unless you have a known medical sensitivity, take acetaminophen (eg. Tylenol) for pain. Take only according to package or pharmacist's instructions. Other pain medications may be taken if prescribed by your physician. It is generally recommended that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID’s) not be taken five (5) days before and for 6-12 weeks after ESWT treatment. NSAID’s include medications such as Motrin, Aleve, Advil, Naprosyn, Celebrex, etc.

Other than noted above, treatment imposes no limitations on your activities. You may eat, drink, drive, work, or go about any of the normal activities which you did prior to ESWT. Your physician is aware that the treatment is effective in 75% to 90% of patients. If the SONOREX treatment fails to relieve your symptoms, you should consult your physician regarding other therapy.

The Sonocur® Orthopedic Extracorporeal Shockwave system is available in Canada and other countries where regulatory approval has been obtained. The Sonocur® Basic is FDA approved in the United States for the treatment of chronic lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow).

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